ZARA Coat With Leather Sleeves
Red Wool Sweater thanks to SheInside
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H&M Trend Scarf
SOLD Design Lab Skinny Jeans
Alexander Wang "Rocco" Duffel Bag
Topshop Ambush Boots
Believe it or not, I still have plenty of photos to share with you from my stint in New York. Fashion Week does that to you. ;) In the meanwhile, today's set or "outfit of the day" takes place in two settings. The New York Public Library (my assistant had never been and really wanted to go in!) The second location being 5th Avenue. This is the outfit I actually landed in. I like to fly comfortably, and warm. Thank goodness I did too, it was beyond freezing during the first few days of my stay. Talk about icy winds. A cup of hot coffee never sounded so good. Thankfully, in New York, there's a coffee shop on almost every corner! ;)
And lastly, here's a quick video clip (I have plenty more footage from New York to edit soon!) This particular clip includes: my landing in New York, A peek of Central Park, The Bloglovin' Awards and Olivia Palermo (who won!) and had a cute little speech to share.
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