Ray Ban Wayfarer Sunglasses, Jet Cut Offs (similar here), Victoria's Secret black bra, Stylestalker Mulholland Shirt, Converse All Star sneakers
Finally, the debut of my (and your) Stylestalker piece. Remember in July when I asked your opinion on which piece to choose here?
Thank you!! To be honest, it was a very hard choice, as I wanted the entire lot. Stylestalker knows what I like. These Australian designers have a knack for cool with edge and just enough effortless thrown in. I wanted to wear pants with this blouse at first. Though, it was quickly nearing 100 degrees Fahrenheit outdoors, I opted for cut offs and Ray Ban Wayfarers instead.
Thank you!! To be honest, it was a very hard choice, as I wanted the entire lot. Stylestalker knows what I like. These Australian designers have a knack for cool with edge and just enough effortless thrown in. I wanted to wear pants with this blouse at first. Though, it was quickly nearing 100 degrees Fahrenheit outdoors, I opted for cut offs and Ray Ban Wayfarers instead.
P.S. Thanks for your feedback on my question about Bringing Back Bangs. I haven't gotten them yet. I don't have another appointment scheduled with my Hair Stylist at the Salon until October, so I have plenty of time to mull things over. :)