After reading your suggestions (thank you!!) the blog will stay.... exactly the same only with more outfit posts!!
- A really fun and delicious surprise to come for the blog. One clue? It has to do with my outfits!!
- A funny "secret" I just had to share with you guys, it came up over the weekend at a dinner party. Anyway, when I was a little girl, I used to play Super Nintendo Mario almost everyday and whenever I couldn't pass a level I would literally bite my controller and throw it down. LOL....
- Still getting over a semi-head cold. :[ Let me tell you, I've had a headache the size of Manhattan for the last 3 days.....
- I plan on sharing photos of my Aunt's lab/greyhound mix soon. They came over for the weekend and he is just the sweetest dog!! Sweety and him "kiss" and chase each other around lol..
- Follow me on Twitter if you like.
- Thank you Raya of OcularOasis for interviewing me here!! :]
Sweater: Vintage. Leggings: Macy's Juniors. Leg Warmers: eBay. Nail Lacquer: OPI Boris and Natasha.
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