Alexander Wang -like top, cut offs and Monster shoes: perfect for an early March day shining as bright as she can.

Threadsence tank dress. Seventh Door black denim destroyed shorts and Jane Bib necklace. Forever 21 studded bucket bag. Jeffrey Campbell Potion boots.

Breaking to pick up new reading material: Vogue Paris, Zink, Russh, Nylon and Beastly at Barnes & Noble and then rebooting with some Caffeine.

Skinny iced Cinnamon Dolce frappuccinno from Starbucks at B&N. Just the way I like it. Alex always claims to hate coffee. Yet, when I order this he somehow manages to sip/steal at least 40% away from me... How about you? What do you like to order from Starbucks?

I've always wanted a Pink phone...

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