T-Shirt: do-it-yourself. Headband and Belt: vintage. Sunglasses: Urban.
Jeans: Frankie B. Bag: Gifted, thanks Mom! Heels: Aldo.
Jeans: Frankie B. Bag: Gifted, thanks Mom! Heels: Aldo.

On my mind today....
- I want/need to buy some new batteries for my camera.
- Thanksgiving (long weekend away, here I come!!!)
- I'll be making my infamous Sweet potato 'Mash' and Pumpkin soup!
- 'Photoshoot' over the long weekend, with my brother. *he took these above.
- Two very exciting surprises soon to come for the blog!
- My new shoes making their way to me by mail.
- My nail polish collection.
- Jen Brill, I call her "The Brillster" lol.. I'm such a goober.
- Sleeping in and reading in bed; hot chocolate bedside.
- Getting started with my Christmas shopping!!!
- Wanting a laptop!
- Kate Moss STYLE book, still covet it, still need it...
- Hoping for a kitten or a puppy this Holiday season!!
- I dedicate La femme chocolat by Olivia Ruiz to Daisy Chain! :D
- Being thankful for my family, friends, love, health & loyal readers... all of you!
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