bag: vintage, sunglasses: vintage, ring: f21, bracelets: varied

Tagged by the sweet Michelle of Neon Stilettos
5 Things Found in my Purse
- wallet
- keys
- pink RAZR
- bonne bell lipgloss
- spearmint gum
- credit cards
- debit card
- cash
- license
- photos of my family
- books
- cd’s
- stereo
- TV & DVD player
- magazines
5 Things I’ve always wanted to do
- travel all of
- purchase a Yacht
- Shop in
- Go to
- Surfing in
- Blogging
- Tennis
- Shopping for shoes
- Collecting obscure artists
- Selling Vintage
- Sweet
- Creative
- Loves heels (stilettos)
- a fan of Red lipstick
- great at applying eyeliner
I was tagged by Neon Stilettos And now I am tagging: Nita, Blonde Hair Blue Jeans,
I was tagged by the ever so lovely SharonRose
Leave Me Alone Two Hours Traffic
Can't Get Over You September
I'm in Peace Justin Nozuka
Les Femmes Yelle
Tahiti Bat for Lashes
Low Tech-Lady Ana Serrano van der Laan
Now I am tagging: Times of Glory, It's Her Factory, Bostonista, Oooh Maureen, Rogue Marie, Live Fast Die Pretty, This is Adele